Denture Instructions
Food selection
Start with soft food: mince, mash
Avoid: foods needing incising, sticky foods, fibrous foods
Cut food into small pieces
Wide selection to ensure balanced diet
Incision, bitting
Insert food at the corners of the mouth
Do not pull or tear food forwards
Chew with up & down strokes
Chew with food on both sides of the mouth
Expect increased flow initially
Xerostomia – refer later lecture
Speak slowly & quietly initially
Practice by reading aloud
Speech usually adapts
Sneezing, coughing, yawning
Anticipate loss of the denture – place hand in front of the mouth
Denture Hygiene
Remove from mouth & brush intaglio, polished & occlusal surfaces 2 x daily – use a soft (nail) brush & dish soap – no toothpaste
Remove & rinse denture & mouth after meals
DO NOT rely on denture cleansers
Mouth Hygiene
Brush ridges, palate, & tongue twice daily with toothbrush & toothpaste
Keep dentures moist – in water
Store CLEAN dentures in water/cleanser in a safe place
Emphasise need for regular visits – e.g. annually
Emphasise need for new dentures every 5 – 8 years
Clean dentures over a water-filled basin or a towel to prevent fracture.
If fracture occurs – do not fix it yourself – bring it in for repair.