Dental injuries are very common & can be quite costly. Therefore, for any contact sport injuries it is essential to wear a mouthguard to prevent dental injuries. ​
A custom made mouthguard has the following advantages
They are custom made to fit to your mouth only
Extremely comfortable to wear compared to off the shelf products
Better fit
Better protection
Fewer costly dental injuries
Can I wear a mouthguard if I have braces?
A custom made mouthguard is made to accommodate your braces & it's highly recommended to wear a mouthguard to protect your teeth & braces during contact sport injuries.
Do you make mouthguards in different colours?
Yes we do, after taking your impressions, you will get the opportunity to select the colour of your mouthguard.
Bite plates
Our teeth are only supposed to touch during chewing and swallowing to ensure optimum dental and joint health. For many people their teeth are touching more frequently and lead to a condition called bruxism or teeth grinding.
Teeth grinding refers more to the sideways movement of teeth, with the teeth just touching and clenching refers to the clamping of the uppers and lowers together. This frequent touching of the teeth leads to chronic damage to the tooth enamel, muscles and jawbones.
The main cause of teeth grinding is believed to be stress and anxiety that transfers to 'tightening up' of the mouth and jaw muscles. The powerful masseter or jaw muscle is stimulated and over time becomes even stronger and can create tremendous force when closing the upper and lower jaws together.
What Is The Damage?
Teeth grinding can start at an early age and carry on throughout life that peaks during more stressful periods. Normal tooth wear takes place at a rate of about 0,3mm every 10 years. With heavy grinders(bruxers) it is not uncommon to have lost about 2mm of enamel when they reach their mid-twenties. The forces on the enamel and teeth can reach up to 113 kilograms per square inch. That's enough to crack a walnut!
Front teeth are worn down and appear to be flat and even in length
Small micro-cracks and broken fillings that can lead to nerve damage and breakage
Gum recession, due to pressure on the gum line
Loose teeth(from rocking effect of bruxism) and gum pockets(increase the effects of gum disease)
Headaches, migraines and aching jaws due to overuse of muscles